Based on the hot metal pretreatment process at No.2 Steelmaking Plant of Baosteel, a temperature drop model of hot metal was developed. 针对宝钢二炼钢铁水三脱预处理工序,建立了铁水温降机理模型。
The technology of out-of-furnace treatment is referred to pretreatment of hot metal and refining of molten steel. 炉外处理技术是铁水预处理和钢水精炼技术的总称。
A Statistical Model on Desulphurization Ratio of Magnesium and Lime Powder Injection in Hot Metal Pretreatment Research on the operating principle and performance of hot metal desulfurization dispenser 喷吹镁粉和石灰粉铁水脱硫的统计模型研究铁水脱硫粉剂喷吹罐的工作原理和性能分析
The hot metal pretreatment of injecting and mechanical stirring are analyzed, then the "KR" hot metal pretreatment is confirmed to use. 通过对喷吹法和机械搅拌法铁水预处理工艺进行分析,确定选用KR法铁水预处理工艺。
Both MgO and MgO-11% A12O3 can be used as the refractory for the pretreatment of hot metal. Compressed-air and oxygen can be the fluxes-blowing carrer gases. MgO和MgO-11%Al2O3等碱性物质可作铁水预处理的耐火材料,空气和氧气都可作为喷吹渣剂的载气。
It can not only reduce the removal workload but also meet the requirements for railway transportation safety and efficiency. It has also improved efficiency of pretreatment of hot metal and lowered cost of hot metal transportation pretreatment. 通过运用,不仅使现有设备设施的拆迁工作量减少到最低,而且满足了铁路行车安全、效率要求,提高了铁水预处理效率,降低铁水物流运输和预处理成本。
This research is of directive importance for dephosphorization pretreatment of hot metal with duplex converter in production. 该项研究对工业生产中,采用转炉双联法铁水脱磷预处理有一定的指导作用。
In order to meet the request of producing product with lower sulphur and high additional value, hot metal pretreatment is an important step in the process of iron and steel production, especially, the development of hot metal desulphurization and slag skimming is very fast. 为了满足生产低硫高附加值产品的需要,铁水预处理作为钢铁冶金生产工艺的一个重要手段,越来越得到业内人士的认同,特别是铁水炉外脱硫扒渣近年来发展较快。
The 1st National Congress on pretreatment of hot metal and secondary metallurgy for steel 第一次全国铁水预处理和钢的二次冶金会议
After the pretreatment, the contents of silicon and sulfur of the hot metal can be controlled under 0.2% and 0.02% respectively. 预处理后铁水中的硅和硫可分别控制在0.2%和0.02%以下。
100 kg Scale Hot Simulation Test and Study on Pretreatment of Medium-Phosphorus Hot Metal in Baotou Iron& Steel Rare Earth Company 包钢中磷铁水预处理100kg级热模拟试验研究